Children’s Time

During the Sunday Worship, children aged 3- to grade 3 are welcomed with a story at the front of the church and then may head down to junior congregation to play. Also there is a nursery manned by two volunteers for newborns to age 3 available in the lower level of the church.

Prayer Chain

Contact Rev. Larry or secretary Lauren at if someone you know needs prayer. The person in need must agree and then with confidentiality, notice is sent out by email to the “chain”, those in our congregation that will pray immediately for those in need.

Bible Study Groups

Ladies Bible Study meets Wednesday mornings in the Upper Room utilizing video and study guidelines. Contact is Mary Campbell

Evening Bible study groups are divided into several groups meeting in homes. Contact is Pat Gaunt.


Goforth is part of the Women’s Missionary Society and meets the third Tuesday of most months. They support local, national and overseas missions. Prayer Shawl Ministry is part of Goforth. In times of trouble, a knitted prayer shawl is given to remind us that God’s loving arms can provide comfort through prayer. Contact: Lorraine Clugston.

Coffee Hour

Fellowship team provides coffee and snacks once a month following worship.

North of 50 Coffee

The Outreach team invite anyone in the community “north of 50” to come out monthly on the second Thursday of the month for coffee and a short program. Contact: Deb Currie

North Huron Food Share

On the first Sunday of every month, please bring non-perishable food products for our local foodbank.


In coordination with other churches, St. Andrews supports Canadian FoodGrains program.

Ministry to Seniors

Goforth ladies minister to Braemar Retirement and Nursing Home on the second Sunday afternoon of each month.


We Love Camp Kintail! During the year St. Andrew’s is involved with many programs at Camp Kintail. Camp Kintail comes and joins our Sunday School in May to get the children excited about the summer. We run a full day VBS program through Camp Kintail called “Kintail on the Road.” St. Andrew’s also has a campership fund that helps pay for the cost of our St. Andrews kids to go to Camp Kintail during the summer. You can check out all about the camp on the link below!